Visit our YouTube channel for numerous videos with guided meditations, examples of inquiry, and pointers on doing self inquiry!

Todd and Lisa discuss where decisions come from.

Glo and Lisa do an inquiry into the reality of the non-physical.

We’re naturally buoyant if we just drop the boulders.

Justin and Lisa discuss dying every moment.

Jessica and Lisa discuss awakening to true Being.

Lisa, Gary, and Stefan discuss the simplicity of what we already are!

Laura Jane and Lisa discuss the power of self-love in helping us tap into the Benevolent Flow.

Our purpose may feel elusive, but that’s when we seek it mentally. Our Being is our purpose, and our life flows from there.

Rhonda Grant and Lisa discuss how life turns are a surprising perfect choreography.

Peter Michael Dedes and Lisa discuss how to compassionately hold our desire for security while discovering the benevolence of living in the unknown.

Johnny Burke and Lisa discuss how life mastery is discovering the joy manifesting every experience.

Laurie Seymour and Lisa discuss how flowing with the mystery of Life helps attune us to the infinite benevolence of the Universe.

Chris Fennell and Lisa discuss how to more easily tune into the True Self.

Gail Hayssen and Lisa discuss seeing the Timeless in our day to day lives.

Jake Weaver and Lisa discuss practical living while aware of our many dimensions.

Catherine, a medical intuitive, and Lisa discuss the power of tuning into our true self.

See more interviews by Brian and Jonathan at

Gail, a vibrant soul with a life of wide-ranging connections, and Lisa discuss the freedom of enjoying what we already and naturally are.

In this series (find the rest on YouTube), Lisa shares how complete we already are and why the universe erupts as us.

In this series, (find the rest on YouTube), Lisa shows how complete we already are and why the universe erupts as us.

Our true nature may feel distant when we are angry. Our human conditioning typically resists or judges this experience. Here are some ways of reorienting our human conditioning so that we can tune in to our true nature when anger arises.

When someone is angry at us, we often lose touch with peace. Here are 3 steps to discover the peace that is already there even when someone is angry at us.

The idea  anyone should “live up to their potential” is a painful burden. Here are ways to align with the flow of life and free ourselves from this judgment in regards to ourselves or others.

For most of us, it’s difficult to watch a child or animal (“Innocents”) suffer. Yet, life includes this experience. Our own agony only adds more suffering. Here are some pointers that lighten the situation and help us tune in to presence at these times.

We may find a situation intolerable–we want to escape–maybe a job or a relationship, etc. Typically this is because the situation has triggered us into resistance and reactivity. Recognizing how the situation calls for us to engage outside the box of our comfort zone can return us to experiencing freedom.

If we have any regrets in our past, they will bleed into our future by making us cautious and careful. We won’t have freedom to flow into each next moment open-heartedly. Examining each and every regret can help us deeply recognize the benevolent flow of life and live from the resulting free space.